Sonning Village - Sonning Genealogy

I have lived in Sonning for nigh on 40 years and have been researching my family history for most of that time.
I therefore know how helpful it can be to have someone "on the spot" in an area where ancestors lived. I have benefitted greatly over the years from information supplied by individual volunteers as well as community websites.
I like to think that I have a fair amount of local knowledge and have access to certain local information. By way of paying back some of the generosity shown by others, I am more than happy to volunteer help anyone with genealogical interests in Sonning. (Note that Sonning Common is not included. That is some distance away).
Please feel free to contact me if you think I may be able to help. This could range from photographing gravestones to looking through parish magazines. The service will be completely free!
Best regards, Trefor Fisher (Sonning Parish Councillor) Tel. +44 7789 880072