Sonning Parish Council - Planning Meetings

Trefor Fisher


Peter Morrison

Lesley Bates



Sonning Parish Council, as a consultee, receives copies of planning applications submitted to Wokingham Borough Council that relate to Sonning and some from adjoining Parishes where the development is close to the Sonning boundary. Applications are allocated to one or more Councillors on the Planning Committee, who visit the site and discuss the proposal with neighbours. Recommendations and observations are brought to Planning Committee meetings.


Meetings are open for anyone to attend to hear what Councillors/committee members say about planning applications and relevant matters. They are not a forum for applicants to present and/or explain their proposals. Comments are agreed, which are legally binding upon the Parish Council, and sent to Wokingham by the appropriate deadline. Meetings are on the Monday in the week before the Parish Council meeting and the Wednesday in the week after (including August when the Parish Council does not meet). Meetings are normally held in the King George V Field pavilion, starting at 7pm and advised in advance by agenda on Parish Council noticeboards.

Planning Applications

To view the status of new and current planning applications visit the appropriate area of the Wokingham Borough Council website: Status of Planning Applications.

Agendas & Minutes

PDF files of these items are available below. Please remember that Minutes will not be available until they have been approved at the next meeting.

Next Meeting: In the Pearson Hall, Pearson Road
6.00pm on Monday 2nd September 2024.

Please note that, due to the current low number of Councillors, meetings may be cancelled at short notice.
Please check with the Clerk before travelling to venue.