News & Announcements
Invitation to Tender
Extension & Internal Refurbishment of Part of the Sports Pavilion
at King George V Playing Field
Sonning Parish Council is please to invite interested partied who wish to be considered for inclusion in tendering for the above project to submit their full applications by email to the Clerk no later than Tuesday 27 August.
SPC Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024

Annual Parish Meeting
Is Tuesday 14th May in Pearson Hall. It follows the Annual Meeting of the SPC which starts at 7pm. Light refreshments will be served.
Sonning Neighbourhood Plan Update
Sonning Residents received a mail drop from the Sonning Neighbourhood Plan steering group in February to explain the background to a “Call for Sites” to landowners inviting them to offer new sites that we could support that would give protection against unwanted developments under the new edition of the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework).
The steering group was disappointed at the poor response to the invitation. Most of the landowners approached didn’t even respond and the only two submissions that we received weren't suitable as they either didn’t meet the criteria (a site of less than 1 hectare within the built-up area) or were too small to qualify as a new site that WBC would support in the context of the NPPF.
The steering group has therefore decided to abandon this approach and to proceed with finalising the Neighbourhood Plan without allocating a new site. WBC have been very supportive of the draft plan so we feel that it will still help to combat unwanted development proposals, even if it doesn’t gain the protection that we had hoped for.
We Want To Keep You Informed
We would like to keep you better informed about what is happening in our parish. We’d like to be able to email you when something important occurs.
Please sign up to our mailing list. We promise that your mailbox will not be overloaded - you will not receive more than one email a month from us and you can opt out at any time.
Archives of previous front page news can be found on the News Archive page