214 SPC: Council Meetings

Sonning Parish Council - Full Council Meetings

Monthly meetings of the Council are held in the Sports Pavilion, King George V Playing Field, Pound Lane, normally on the second Tuesday of every month (except during August), starting at 7.00pm. The public are welcome to attend these meetings, although members of the public may only speak at the discretion of the Chairman or during the designated time allocated to 'Parishioners Questions'.

Please note that any comments or questions from members of the public during these meetings may be minuted along with the name of the contributor. These minutes, when approved, will be in the public domain and available for public viewing via this website.

The Annual Meeting is held during May, with date and venue decided by the Council. This year it's Tuesday 14th May.

The Agenda for each meeting is posted three days beforehand on the Parish noticeboards in Pearson Road, Pound Lane and Old Bath Road as well as in the list below.

Next Full Council Meeting: In the Pearson Hall, Sonning
7.00pm on Tuesday 8th October 2024

Please note that due to the current low number of Councillors meetings may be cancelled at short notice.
Please check with the Clerk before travelling to venue.